Why Tagomago?
When commercial internet took-off in Brazil in 1996, I thought I was early to join, but not so early as for my name to be available as a username in my first e-mail account at the domain rio.com.br.
I needed a unique username and started to look for something that I liked and that I would identify with. Believe it or not, I was (I’m actually still is) a big fan of lambada and a pretty good lambada dancer. I decided to show my admiration to Kaoma by choosing as my username the title of one of their songs that I liked the most: Dança TagoMago.
Years later, I realized I didn’t know what Tagomago really meant and took me a while to find out it was an island in the cost of Spain. It was just lately though, when I was again searching for a name that I could use as a personal brand, that I google mapped where Tagomago was and, for my surprise, it was not just on the cost of Spain, but on the Baleares archipelago, very close to Ibiza, the place that I came to love.
That was too much of a coincidence that so many things that I like go around Tagomago and I decided to take the domain name for my personal website.
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One little step further and you would be to be to talk to future versions of you, to help you…
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