I blog about the same things that I tweet, just in more depth, but never longer than 1000 words. And I translate content from my science communication book.
There has never been a better time to live and whatever the metrics you choose, the world is on its ‘all time high’. So why living seems sometimes so hard? Here I ask people in the forefront of building the future their reasons to be optimistic and the challenges they see ahead.
content from the other sources packed in a monthly newsletter. Subscribe!
Persuasion is an art that requires a paintbrush, not a sledgehammer
Born and raised in Rio
I was born and raised in #RioDeJaneiro and that in part defines who I am. My super power is to balance the EXTREME #flexibility of #Brazilians to be a competitive ADVANTAGE in #creativity, not a flaw. 1/10
Became a Scientist
I became a #Marine #biologist when I graduated @UFRJ, but became a #Scientist when I understood that #Science happens in BRAIN. The #ScientificMethod (another Super Power) disciplines the MIND. And I learned #Statistics #Informatics #Languages and #Music. 2/10
International network
#Science is GLOBAL and its CRITERIA are UNIVERSAL. After a #PhD in #Biophysics @UFRJ, I worked in #Europe with research groups from 12 countries, became an INTERNATIONAL #Scientist and built my main asset: my #network. 3/10
Career in academia
I became a #professor in #Biophysics @UFRJ, which was exactly what I WANTED. In 15 years I SET up my own research group in #Genes & #Environment relationships, RAISED +USD1M in projects, PUBLISHED +40 articles and SUPERVISED +10 master and PhDs. 4/10
Run a crowdfunding
I’ve written a #Blog for +10 years and a FUN #Book about #men & #women. But it was EXECUTING the 1st #scientific #crowdfunding in #Brazil that I understood: one can to TALK #science in a way that EVERYONE understands, ENJOY and even FUND! 5/10
Created Bio Bureau
I wanted my #PhD thesis to be USEFUL and I used a grant turn it into a PRODUCT. Today @biobureaubio has +10 years, +10 scientists and growing REVENUE. #Biotechnology SOLUTIONS for the challenges of #Sustainable #Development. 6/10
Bitcoin and blockchain
I co-founded #MobileBrain and built the framework for the FASTEST growing #educational #mobile platform in #Brazil in 2012, w/ #neuroscience and EVOLUTIONARY #psychology, w/ +700k users in the 1st year; and #Genecoin, which created #blockchain solutions for #biodiversity. 7/10
Create solutions.
I learned to IDENTIFY challenges, SYNTHESIZE #information, DECIDE, RISK and #create SOLUTIONS. #Modeling #POC #Prototyping #MVP and #Piloting a business. I specialized with @IAGBerkeley in #Customer & #Product Discovery. I became an ASSET. 8/10
Live to 150 years
I’m +50 and I want to LIVE +150 years, which gives the dimension of my #ambition and #willingness to go beyond. I work with #PEOPLE, #companies and #FUNDS to decide, based on SCARCE/UNCERTAIN #Scientific #Evidence, how to build the #future. 10/10
It is not about strength. It is about lightness and speed
A man needs to see things with his own eyes, walk the world with his own feet, have his back burned by the sun and his feet blistered by the street
Bread, beer and wine are biotechnology. Biotechnology is not difficult and is for everyone. Professionally, develop biotechnology to solve environmental problems. Here, I try to explain biotechnology to everyone, specially in business environment.
I’ve studied biodiversity through the lenses of their genes for many, many years and that gave me a unique perspective about it. Here I try to share this knowledge in a way that help decision makers make better business and research choices involving biodiversity
I’ve been a science entrepreneur for more than 10 years now and we are helping large corporations from energy sector to develop biotechnology solutions to recalcitrant problems. Because of that I have a unique perspective on innovation inside corporations and I can talk about science and business.
Money is the most successful social technology invented by humanity and many of the problems that we face in society that have their origin in the corruption of money. Here I try to explain to people in my network what Bitcoin is and it fixes that
Chasing perfection? Don’t be vulgar… authenticity is much harder to get
Cuddling is the ultimate reward
more topics
I discuss, from the scientists perspective, why innovation happens in startups and not in corporations or academia
I share with young scientists my experience as an entrepreneur and how it is easier to fit your PhD in your company then vice-versa
I try to breakdown behavior into criteria that helps creativity and share what me and other people to do remain creative
the most recent topic of my interest and exploration. I share as I learn.
There are too many business models for teaching and not a single one for learning. That is why I’m more interested in learning then teaching
I’m dazzled by entropy, Bayes theorem, game theory, self-organization, and the origin of Life, so I read and write about these.
Science has given us over the last 500 years more than philosophy and religion gave over the last 2000. The scientific method is the best problem solve tool that human kind has developed.
Or should I say evolutionary psychology, since I’m interested in instincts the biological basis of human behavior
Success is measured by the level of mastery you show, not how hard you work
My Evolutionary Journey
I was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro and balanced flexibility is my super power I was born and raised in #RioDeJaneiro and that in part defines who I am. #DomenicoDeMasi says that #Flexibility is t...
Pushing the Limits
Once I did something almost unthinkable for me: I bought a magazine off the supermarket shelf while waiting in the checkout line. No, it wasn’t a gossip magazine—that would be too much! It was the...
Meet my high-tech graphic-novel 21st-century Saci
Can largely unknown Brazilian folklore characters like #Saci, #Boitatá, #Iara and #Curupira compete with #Halloween? Not with low-tech approaches. Over the last semesters, my kindergarten-age kids ha...
Tech, not policy, will save Nature
At COP16, everyday a new version of the DSI (Digital Sequence Information) is released. This topic exemplifies how a technical issue has become entangled in historical and political debate and how, de...
Biodiversity Tokenization and Unassailable Reputations
Originally published in Portuguese at Valor Econômico – 16/10/2024 The COP16 on Biodiversity, which began today (Monday the 21st) in Colombia, seeks to advance the implementation of the M...
Biodiversity is Infrastructure
Originally published in Portuguese at Valor Econômico – 9/19/2024 Brazil’s strategy neither reduces poverty nor conserves biodiversity. The time for low-tech and low-convenience products is o...
Let the text breathe
Letting the text breathe allows you to clear your mind and see what you actually wrote. An article published this week in Nature has received a lot of attention and shares online. It calls for scienti...
Recent Comments
Bernardo MonteiroSays
One little step further and you would be to be to talk to future versions of you, to help you…
Euclydes SantosSays
"Tristo è quel discepolo che non avanza il suo maestro" Orgulho de te ver voando alto e fugindo com folga…