
Twitter’s Business School for CEO

As one prepares to start as CEO in a new startup, I was looking at everything that you could learn about being a CEO from great entrepreneurs on twitter. The most concise one is this from Ryan Denehy. His interview with Anthony Pompliano is great.

Sahil Lavingia, author of ‘the minimalist entrepreneur’, one of the books I like the most on entrepreneurship, shares the same opinion:

I think that to get the company capitalized is the same think that Ryan means with ‘awareness’. So I actually understand that both have the same opinion, just with different words. Not surprisingly, then, Ryan used (almost) the same words:

An important part of that is to protect the captable. At whatever cost!

And maybe, because of that, Sahil concludes 😂:

It may be for a while. For Ryan, CEO is a very dynamic job and changes a lot with the stage of the company. In these 2 tweets he gives examples of this evolution according to number of employees and funding round (which correlates):

On the hiring part, there is excellent advice (though not easy to act upon) from Pomp:

A great selection process without the right incentives, is not going to take you too far.

The next one is very aligned with my experience leading research groups:

Every e-mail that I receive asking for a position comes with (a variation of) the sentence

“I believe this experience would contribute to my career”

But what I’m interested (tip for anyone wanting to apply) is in what YOUR experience can contribute to our group!

Last but not least, this tweet from Jason Lemkin: when creation and sales, business and technical, heart and mind are aligned… that is when magic happens.

This could be the other way around of course: when a CTO is looking for a CEO to co-found and he founds one that wants it as much as he does… that is when magic happens.