
The story behind Amy Digi’s ‘Dreamers’

In 2021 I set to myself the goal of ‘orange pilling’* five people into #bitcoin. One of them was my long lasting friend and painter @amydigi, during our conversation on the All Time High Podcast (episode 18).

I ask everyone on the podcast the same questions and the last one is either the person is a believer or not in #Bitcoin, as a way to approach the topic. Surprisingly, to me, most people, like her, don’t know enough to have an opinion. And I’d end the episode suggesting something that #bitcoin could do for them and making myself available to help. On her case, I thought about NFTs and how they could help her access a different base of customers, getting paid in #bitcoin.

But Twitter had just started ‘tips’ and as soon as we ended the recording, she downloaded a #bitcoin wallet, we set up tipping on her @twitter account and I sent her her first sats.

After that, she went ‘down the rabbit hole’**

I’ve been watching videos about @Bitcoinbeach… There is an entire world out happening while I was just living under my rock !!!

Then we started discussing what would be her first ‘#bitcoin painting. I know her style and that she links to paint still nature. I told her stories about the 100k baseball caps and #bitcoin pizza. After a few days she sent me this picture and the text:

”I loved @OfficialRunDMC when I was growing up … no one would have believe that rap would be mainstream. Also no one would have believe that @vangoghartist the artist who cut off his ear and committed suicide would amount to the billions his work is worth now. No one thought the average joe could become a millionaire with #Bitcoin. My friend just told me her husband knows an NYPD officer who invested in #Bitcoin in the beginning is now a millionaire. If she was anything like my husband also a first responder. Well we drive chevys in this family, so my keys on the wall: Average Joe’s car keys. Not Lexus, Mercedes or BMW, the average guy that no one believe could make money with #Bitcoin. So these are my items in the first still life. All the misfits who [in Bitcoin] belong. Us, dreamers

And thus the name of the painting. She painted it soon after (check the video bellow). I loved the end result! The NFT of ‘Dreamers’ is for sale in the OpenSea.

I was touched by this account and so I share it here. #Bitcoin allows us to dream of a better future, because in #bitcoin we all belong.

Painting Dreamers by @amydigi

*in reference to ‘Matrix’, because once you truly learn about #bitcoin you cannot go back to what you were

** in reference to ‘Alice in wonderland’, because on the light of bitcoin you start revisiting and questioning many things on life