The client’s Joy Department

No debe haber departamentos en un hotel `{`...`}`. Debe haber un solo equipo de líderes de la felicidad del cliente. Un equipo coordinado, eficiente, con armonía e ilusión, en el
que todos tengan claro que el cliente no paga una habitación, paga emociones. `{`There should not be departments in a hotel. There should be a single team of customer happiness leaders. A coordinated, efficient team with harmony and enthusiasm, in which everyone is clear that the customer does not pay for a room, but pays for emotions`}`

Domènec Biosca

El cliente ya no viene a Ibiza de vacaciones, viene a ser feliz [The customer no longer comes to Ibiza on vacation, they come to be happy]

I stumbled upon this article in the Diario de Ibiza almost by accident. During 2021, I was analyzing business opportunities on the island and subscribed to the local newspaper for a month. When I read the interview with Domènec Biosca, talking about how customers in the tourism sector are looking for emotions, it blew my mind. I automatically saw the connection with the clients with whom I negotiate.

Look how powerful are his ideas:

La excelencia también pasa por adelantarse. Crisis es llegar tarde a los cambios. [Excellence also means anticipating. Crisis is arriving late to changes.]

Lo más difícil es cambiar la mentalidad de todos los actores. Requiere años. Renunciar a verdades que ya no sirven. [The hardest part is changing the mentality of all the actors. It takes years. Giving up on truths that no longer serve.]

According to the expert, in the face a major shift, those who are slow to adapt risk falling behind. Both customers and entrepreneurs are still adjusting to this new reality, and it will take time and effort to change their mindset and practices.

Gestionar habitaciones lo sabemos hacer, hay que gestionar las emociones de los clientes. [We know how to manage rooms, we need to manage the emotions of our customers.]

Finally, the expert warns against complacency and the dangers of relying too heavily on past success. It’s important to remain self-critical, constantly learning and growing, and treating

Es importante saber que los errores son constantes y la mayoría de la gente siempre culpa al otro, no se mira en el espejo. [It’s important to know that mistakes are constant and most people always blame others, they don’t look in the mirror.]

I cant keep thinking about this article…

Nada anestesia más que el éxito. [Nothing anesthetizes more than success.]

Thank you Domènec Biosca!