
The logics of Anger

Anger is part of the basic biology of the human species. It spontaneously appears in infancy, is effectively universal in its distribution across cultures and individuals, and has a species-typical neural basis. Sell et al., 2009. Formidability and the logic of human anger. PNAS 106 (35) 15073-8 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0904312106 I’ve always been curious about the biological basis of […]

Sense and Sensitivity

This quote by the great biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky, even though old, is still actual and applicable to fight fake news, misinformation, pseudosciences and scientific exclusion. The attractiveness of science to many people lies in that it seems to answer the indestructible yearling for certainty so complete that no thinking mind can evade its acceptance. We […]


A woman once told me: “What attracts in you, is the same thing that afterwards repels.” It took me a long time to understand what she meant. To explain, I want to tell a story. Once, I went to the Bleu exhibition, by the French artist Yves Klein, reluctant, because it was monochromatic. But it […]