
Associated traditional knowledge, big data and the innovation train

Originally published on LinkedIn in October 2017 (but still important) Without scientists, the only thing you can get out of a forest are the trees. At the next the Biodiversity COP in 2018 in Egypt, Brazil should take a position on a topic that has sparked controversy in 2016: How to ensure benefit sharing from access […]

Join Bitcoin Science

#BitcoinScience has the power to be more democratic and inclusive: anyone can be a scientist! Academia was ‘invented’ after the Second World War. In his work “Science, the Endless Frontier,” Vannevar Bush, building on the success of science centralization in institutions during the 19th century and the Manhattan Project in the 20th century, created a […]

Science is best when verified by technology

An essay based on the article Sarewitz, 2016. Saving Science. The New Atlantis  During the COVID19 pandemic, once again, science has brought the solution to a health, humanitarian, social and economic crisis. Scientists, distributed in universities, research institutes, startups, large and small companies, have improved diagnostic methods, tested drugs, developed, produced and tested vaccines that will […]