
How to be an optimist

There has never been a better time to be alive and whatever metrics you choose to analyze, the world is on its all time high. Then why leaving seems, so many times, so hard? I discussed with 26 people in the forefront of building the future the reasons and the paths to be optimistic. Here are my 6 take aways from these conversations.

1 – Go live where you like!

I talked to Ciccio Panza, a master in the art of making friends and being happy, and our conclusion is that living in a place where you like, is half the way to happiness.

I learned recently that Ciccio actually got the inspiration for going living where he wanted, Ibiza, came from me:

“You told me, in 2004, after you got your tenured professorship at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, that your first thought was: “If I don’t want to or if I don’t screw up big time, I will never have to leave Rio”

My place to live, chosen over and over many times during my life, is Rio de Janeiro.

2 – Show up everyday

Many people wish they were lucky, but it is consistency and perseverance the major forces behind success. That is how Amy Digi overcame all challenges in her trajectory as an artist. She told me she learned this from Matisse.

Similarly important, in my conversation with Carina Szpilca, we talked about the importance of being patient, because somethings are only achievable through long term thinking.

3 – Build with relationships to favor resilience

I met Bob Swap in a science diplomacy conference and listening to how he builds projects through relationships is a master class on the soft skills we need to build the future.

4 – Have a roadmap for the future and long term bets

Pedro Moneo always impressed me with his drive and focus. His consultancy, Opinno, helps corporations to innovate, in part, by helping them address the dilemma of long term thinking and short term response. We should do that in our lives as well.

I was also reminded by him once of the importance of where to live:

“You should not chose were to live based on tax benefits. That is a rich people’s problem. You have to live where you’d like to live”

Pedro Moneo

5 – Reduce information asymmetry

Helping closing deals is more of an art than a science. Probably that is why Eveline, an artist turned tech turned business advisor, is so good at getting win/win deals.

6 – Arts can heal

Our sense of aesthetics evolved, likely, because life was hard and without the pleasure of contemplation, it was hard to imagine a good reason to live through constant hunger, pain and suffering. Still today, beauty is a fundamental part of purpose, creativity and innovation. A place for everyone to meet and live in peace. What a beautiful conversation with Christiane Senra.

If after listening to these people you still don’t find reason to be optimistic, wait for season #2.