
Finding Happiness with Ciccio Panza: The Key to Quality of Life in a Globalized World

``When you wake up in Ibiza (or where you want to be), half of your problems went away.``

Ciccio Panza

Impossible not to have a great conversation with Francesco Panza, a.k.a. Ciccio, partner and PR at ‘A Mi Manera’ restaurant, in Ibiza.

Ciccio has a unique perspective on quality of life, as he feels that waking up somewhere you really want to be is the key to happiness. He said,

“When you wake in Ibiza, half of your problems are solved.”

For him, quality of life means having good weather and the freedom to enjoy your free time. Living in Ibiza gives him both of these things, and he loves the mix of a peaceful life with the excitement of visitors and events. “It is like traveling while you’re standing still, because all the world passes by Ibiza”. We also talked about the challenge of feeling accomplished in a globalized world, and Ciccio noted that it’s become harder because we’re all competing with the best of the best from all over the world. “Before it was easier to be happy, because you were competing locally, but now we are competing globally with the best of the best from all over the world”

Enjoying life in Ibiza

The solution is to have realistic expectations and celebrating your wins

“Everything is worth celebrating.”

Ciccio also pointed out that having too many choices can make it harder to be happy.

“Most people that are never happy is because they have too many choices. They know there is something else happening somewhere else and, even though they are having the time of their lives, they cannot appreciate it. We are happy here, but what if it would be better somewhere else?”

Finally, we talked about how taking a moment to relax and appreciate what’s around you can help you find something special. Ciccio said,

“If you can stop, relax and see what is around you, most of the time you will find something special.”

He believes that being curious and authentic in our interactions with others is key to building genuine relationships. Being a nice person is about showing respect and genuine interest in others.

My conversation with Ciccio was a great reminder of the importance of focusing on the things that truly matter in life: finding a place you love, connecting with others, and celebrating small wins. These are all key to living a happy and fulfilling life. And manage your expectations.

After all,

“Expectation is the mother of all fuckups.”

Listen to our conversation on the podcast or watch it or youtube