Ti-ti-ti… Gossip as a teaching tool

I wrote this article in 2010 in Portuguese when I was involved in distance learning, and from time to time, I revisit it because… it is great. Today, I’ve decided to summarize it in a post in English. As teachers find themselves in a constant battle for their students’ attention In a world overloaded with […]

How to prepare scientists to unleash creativity with ChatGPT

A few weeks ago I posted about the potential to use AI to create digital clones of oneself to talk to. Two days later, literally, Open AI released ChatGPT and boom…. it was there (a starter at least)! Like many other, I spent some time talking and learning what it could and could not do. […]

Learning from one’s own mistakes

The great Roman orator Horace Flacco used to say: “a writer had to work 10 hours a day: 2 hours writing and 8 hours re-writing.” Horace Flacco I have many other quotations from many other famous writers that suggest the same thing: “Writing is above all correcting and rewriting” António Lobo Antunes “I use the […]

Talking to yourself

Last October I participated in the Metaverse Catalyst meeting held at he IE School of Science and Technology in Madrid. For Ikhlaq Sidhu, dean of the S&T school, #Metaverse is #Cyberspace. We already spend a lot of time on it (like, right now!) and will keep spending more and more. I agree with him. Lots and […]

UN-conditioned reflex

(This is a joined postage and you might want to read the previous post before this one) How long does it take between you wanting to move your arm, your brain getting ready to move your arm, and your arm actually moving? You probably never thought about it, because unless you’re a NERD, it doesn’t matter: […]