The Business Opportunities for Brazilian Biodiversity

From nature comes everything. The solutions to problems that life has encountered over the last four billion years are encoded in the DNA of species. However, transforming this into a viable product requires (a lot of) scientists, (quite some) time and (a lot of) money. Discount rates are high and the net present value of […]

The Moult – A poetical biological tale about moving on

Chordates, animals with spinal-cord, exhibit continuous growth. It may be faster or slower, but because it is continuous, is hard to see. Arthropods, in turn, do not have bones. Its skeleton is external and called exoskeleton. Imagine a medieval knight: his armor is a perfect example of exoskeleton. Back to the arthropods. Among them, there […]

How to be an optimist

There has never been a better time to be alive and whatever metrics you choose to analyze, the world is on its all time high. Then why leaving seems, so many times, so hard? I discussed with 26 people in the forefront of building the future the reasons and the paths to be optimistic. Here […]

A spreadsheet can be impressive but, with a closer look, meaningless

Why people love spreadsheets?

A colleague once told me "Paper is the greatest invention of humankind, because it accepts anything you put on it" I believe digital spreadsheets, then, are an even greater invention, because they not only accept anything you put on them, but they also allow you to easily adjust huge amounts of data to conclude whatever [...]