Let the text breathe

Letting the text breathe allows you to clear your mind and see what you actually wrote. An article published this week in Nature has received a lot of attention and shares online. It calls for scientists to take time to think. The article mentions that we are distracted by social media, but comments have highlighted […]

The value of carbon is relative, biodiversity is absolute

There is evidence that reforestation reflects a biodiversity gain of more than 200% in a degraded area Originally published in Portuguese at Valor Econômico – 7/22/2024 5:01 Carbon dominates the climate agenda, but biodiversity is the heart of the matter. The ton of carbon is a good unit of measurement, but the carbon itself is […]

Join Bitcoin Science

#BitcoinScience has the power to be more democratic and inclusive: anyone can be a scientist! Academia was ‘invented’ after the Second World War. In his work “Science, the Endless Frontier,” Vannevar Bush, building on the success of science centralization in institutions during the 19th century and the Manhattan Project in the 20th century, created a […]