
Without Statistics, Science would be Just Religion

A very important article published today in Nature called my attention. It talks, again, about the misuses of statistics by scientists and the volume of unreproducible studies it is producing. You probably have heard the joke: “there are three kinds of lies: lies, big lies and statistics”. Even though unfair (does anyone expect a joke to be fair?), it is […]

Science is best when verified by technology

An essay based on the article Sarewitz, 2016. Saving Science. The New Atlantis  During the COVID19 pandemic, once again, science has brought the solution to a health, humanitarian, social and economic crisis. Scientists, distributed in universities, research institutes, startups, large and small companies, have improved diagnostic methods, tested drugs, developed, produced and tested vaccines that will […]

Tomato Sauce and the Origin of Life

I love cooking. And my specialty is tomato sauce. I inherited it from my grandmother and improved it with my Italian aunts.  Modesty aside, it’s a spectacle. Once, while giving the last boil before starting the long process of cold counting, I saw them there… beautiful… some ‘Benard cells‘.  Well… weren’t perfect ones. Maybe it was wishful thinking […]