A spreadsheet can be impressive but, with a closer look, meaningless

Why people love spreadsheets?

A colleague once told me "Paper is the greatest invention of humankind, because it accepts anything you put on it" I believe digital spreadsheets, then, are an even greater invention, because they not only accept anything you put on them, but they also allow you to easily adjust huge amounts of data to conclude whatever [...]

“Science, politics and truth”

The notice on the wall of the Biophysics Institute inviting to Ennio Candotti’s talk was provocative and I had to go. That was many years ago, but I still remember as if it was today. Far from being a celebrity, Ennio was pretty well know in academia in Brazil. Italian born, the physicist got his education in […]

Without Statistics, Science would be Just Religion

A very important article published today in Nature called my attention. It talks, again, about the misuses of statistics by scientists and the volume of unreproducible studies it is producing. You probably have heard the joke: “there are three kinds of lies: lies, big lies and statistics”. Even though unfair (does anyone expect a joke to be fair?), it is […]