Tagomago Blog

The story behind Amy Digi’s ‘Dreamers’

In 2021 I set to myself the goal of ‘orange pilling’* five people into #bitcoin. One of them was my long lasting friend and painter @amydigi, during our conversation on the All Time High Podcast (episode 18). I ask everyone on the podcast the same questions and the last one is either the person is […]

Economics is Psychology, which is Biology

I’m reading John Maynard-Smith’s Evolution and the Theory of Games. If you want to understand economics, which is psychology, you have to understand biology. Paradoxically, it has turned out that game theory is more readily applicable to biology than to the field of economic behavior for which it has originally designed. There are two reasons […]

Land use and misuse

I like to think of me more as a digital than an analog guy. But some things are analog and it is very hard, if not impossible, to digitize them. Land is one of these things. Even though Earth is a large planet and there is plenty of land (more precisely 13 billion hectares – […]