Author Posts

Join Bitcoin Science

#BitcoinScience has the power to be more democratic and inclusive: anyone can be a scientist! Academia was ‘invented’ after the Second World War. In his work “Science, the Endless Frontier,” Vannevar Bush, building on the success of science centralization in institutions during the 19th century and the Manhattan Project in the 20th century, created a […]

Biodiversity technologies

A couple of months ago, I was trying to explain to Niklas Azinger from Infinita Fund why Bio Bureau, my company, wasn’t a fit for a health-tech event. I found myself focusing on what we are NOT: ocean tech, climate-tech, and even biotech—a term that can be misleading as it’s often associated with pharma. The […]

The best universities in the world

“Today, Brazil has the best universities in the world!” Domenico de Masi Ricardo Prado, Alex Pinheiro and I were somewhat astonished by Domenico De Masi’s statement. We had the pleasure of lunching with the distinguished Italian sociologist during his latest visit to Rio de Janeiro. Having attended one of his highly sought-after (and expensive) lectures […]