Meet my high-tech graphic-novel 21st-century Saci
Can largely unknown Brazilian folklore characters like #Saci, #Boitatá, #Iara and #Curupira compete with #Halloween? Not with low-tech approaches. Over the last semesters, my kindergarten-age kids have been studying Saci: a one-legged young Black Brazilian folklore character with a magical red cap who rides whirlwinds. He’s a mischievous trickster who plays pranks on travelers and […]
Recent Comments
Bernardo MonteiroSays
One little step further and you would be to be to talk to future versions of you, to help you…
Euclydes SantosSays
"Tristo è quel discepolo che non avanza il suo maestro" Orgulho de te ver voando alto e fugindo com folga…