Creative Writing in Science

To write, is to re-write

Like most people, I though I knew how to write because I had been literate. It was only when I had to help teachers to prepare written material for online courses and the new Open Brazilian University, on a national workshop, that I realized writing had a structure (that many writers know intuitively) that could be thought. And also that writing is not a natural talent, but, like many other things, the result of practice. I realized grad students needed training in writing much more than they needed for anything else, so I started this workshop. I wrote the textbook with everything that I learned by experience to support the workshop. And later made the videos to share it online with the world. I hope you enjoy. The workshop has been been thought almost every year for grad students at the Biophysics institute at the Rio de Janeiro Federal University and in conferences in USA, Portugal and Italy. Hope you enjoy. Contact me if you’d like the workshop at your institution.

Oficina de Escrita Criativa em Ciência – iBooks format (Portugese only)

Oficina de Escrita Criativa em Ciência – pdf format (no animations. Portugese only)

Workshop on Creative Writing in Science – pdf format (no animations. English)

Workshop on Creative Writing in Science – epub format (no animations. English) 

Creative Writing in Science

Textbook to support the presencial workshop + short online video version

#creativity #writing #science

Creative Writing in Science Workshop - Short version (english)