Teaching strategies focused on learning

Learning is more important than teaching

As a part of the team preparing university teachers to produce written content for online students in the Brazilian Open University, I felt the need for a book that would provide guidance on teaching strategies focused on learning. Although I was exposed to a lot of different teaching technologies, many of them could improve teaching by distributing knowledge, but not necessarily by facilitating effective learning.

That’s why, together with Cristine Barreto, we decided to write a book that would provide university teachers with the necessary knowledge and skills to produce effective educational content for online students. We wanted to share our experiences and the best practices that we had learned during our time working with different teaching technologies.

Our aim was not only to help our team to build better materials, but also to orient the production of educational content for other teams. We wanted to create a comprehensive guide that would enable university teachers to develop teaching strategies that focused on learning, rather than just disseminating information.

Through our book, we hoped to inspire educators to create a more engaging and effective learning experience for their students. We believed that by sharing our knowledge and experiences, we could make a positive impact on the quality of education provided to online students in the Brazilian Open University.

Download the PDF file (Portuguese only) Estratégias de Ensino com foco na Aprendizagem

guidance on teaching strategies focused on learning

#TeachingStrategies, #OnlineEducation,#EffectiveLearning