Ti-ti-ti… Gossip as a teaching tool

I wrote this article in 2010 in Portuguese when I was involved in distance learning, and from time to time, I revisit it because… it is great. Today, I’ve decided to summarize it in a post in English. As teachers find themselves in a constant battle for their students’ attention In a world overloaded with […]

Sense and Sensitivity

This quote by the great biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky, even though old, is still actual and applicable to fight fake news, misinformation, pseudosciences and scientific exclusion. The attractiveness of science to many people lies in that it seems to answer the indestructible yearling for certainty so complete that no thinking mind can evade its acceptance. We […]

Networks of trust

When I was a kid, there was this advertisement on TV. Gerson de Oliveira, the outstanding soccer player from the Brazilian national team that won the ’70 world cup, asked the audience “Do you like to take advantage?” while explaining why they should buy a particular brand of cigarettes. Many years later, the advertisement became notorious. […]

Can you see it?

Once I heard on a radio show a journalist saying that If our brains were simple enough for us to understand it, we wouldn’t be capable of understanding it! Unfortunately I don’t remember the name of the journalist, neither the radio show, nor the context. Not even how old I was. I do remember I […]