Join Bitcoin Science

#BitcoinScience has the power to be more democratic and inclusive: anyone can be a scientist! Academia was ‘invented’ after the Second World War. In his work “Science, the Endless Frontier,” Vannevar Bush, building on the success of science centralization in institutions during the 19th century and the Manhattan Project in the 20th century, created a […]

Things you can build on top of layer-1 algorithms

You must remember the Krebs cycle from your biology classes. It is key in the metabolic pathway that convertes food into energy in organisms that respirates. Krebs cycle is unique: it is efficient, reliable, powerful and… beautiful! It was not the first way of extracting energy from chemical compounds to be created (or selected), but […]

The Bitcoin Flavor

How does bitcoin taste? I’m a biotech scientist and a bitcoin enthusiast. For quite some time now I’ve been wanting to get more involved in the bitcoin movement in other ways that are not hodling but how could a biotech scientist contribute to it? After listening to Mike’s interview in the Pomp Podcast and learning […]